Successful strategies to live and study abroad


Securing admission into the English based university program of your DREAMS.

Living in a foreign country, immersing yourself in new and exciting cultures all while improving your ENGLISH, and working towards securing your financial future.


Are you ready?

Have you been dreaming of studying abroad?

Are you willing to allow your passion for English open new doors to your future?

Many students ask me, what does it take? How can I accomplish my goals?

My How to Study Abroad course, provides the answers. You will receive a step-by-step roadmap.

Not only will I guide you through how to secure admission to the world’s best universities

But equip you with the best strategies to pass the TOEFL or IELTS English certification exam

 required to prove proficiency in the language.

I teach you how to make the seemingly impossible POSSIBLE
About Me

My name is, Morgan Cooley

I help students improve their English, prepare for entrance into the best universities in the world and fulfill their DREAMS!

I have over two decades experience as an English and Law Professor.

I specialize in English as a Second Language instruction, TOEFL/IELTS preparation and English based University Admission.

I have worked and taught students as a Professor at the following institutions:

As a professor I have helped hundreds of students prepare for English as a Second Language exams, secure admission into English based university programs and obtain dream jobs. Your cultural background makes you unique. The ability to communicate effectively in more than one language positions you as a valued commodity on university campuses and in the workforce.


Our Courses

How to study abroad

The initial step in the creation of the opportunity of your dreams

38 Reviews
IELTS Course Cover
IELTS Course

Not only prepare you for the IELTS exam but provide valuable guidance as to how to formulate your next steps once you pass

271 Reviews
TOEFL Course Cover
TOELF Course

Not only prepare you for the TOELF exam but provide valuable guidance as to how to formulate your next steps once you pass

271 Reviews

Here is what you get

Lifetime access to everything, including:

The comprehensive 15-hour course How to Study Abroad

Unlimited access to our private English Based University Program admissions group

Unlimited access to webinars

The Complete PROFE MORGAN TOEFL or IELTS PROGRAM where I walk you through how to prepare for and PASS the TOEFL/IELTS exam on your first attempt

Exclusive coaching to guide you through the next steps after you PASS the TOEFL/IELTS

Group Q/A seminars to answer any English related questions you might have

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are TOEFL and IELTS?
  • TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and IELTS (International English Language Testing System) are standardized tests designed to assess the English language proficiency of non-native speakers.
Why should I take TOEFL or IELTS?

These tests are widely accepted by universities, employers, and immigration authorities as proof of English proficiency. They are essential for international students, immigrants, and professionals seeking opportunities in English-speaking countries.

How can your preparation services help me succeed in TOEFL and IELTS?

Our expert instructors provide comprehensive preparation, covering all test sections (Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing). We offer tailored strategies, practice materials, and feedback to ensure you are well-prepared.

Do you offer in-person or online preparation classes?

We offer both individual and group online classes to cater to your preferences and convenience. Our online classes are interactive and designed to provide a similar experience to in-person sessions.

What is the duration of the TOEFL and IELTS preparation courses?

The courses are self paced and depend on the time an individual has to devote to the lessons. Typically, our courses take from 4 to 8 weeks to complete.

How are the instructors qualified?

Our instructors are highly qualified, experienced, and certified in TOEFL and IELTS preparation. They have a proven track record of helping students achieve their desired scores.

What study materials do you provide?

We provide a variety of study materials, including practice tests, sample questions, study guides, and reference materials. Additionally, we recommend official test preparation materials to ensure authenticity.

Do you offer practice tests and assessments?

Yes, we conduct regular practice tests and assessments to gauge your progress. This helps identify areas for improvement and allows us to customize your preparation plan accordingly.

Can I receive personalized feedback on my performance?

Our instructors provide detailed feedback on your practice tests, speaking responses, and writing samples. This personalized approach is crucial for targeted improvement.

What is the success rate of your students?

While individual success varies, a significant number of our students have achieved their target scores and successfully pursued their academic and professional goals.

How do I enroll in your TOEFL and IELTS preparation courses?

You can enroll through our website. We provide guidance on the registration process and assist you in selecting either TOEFL or IELTS, whichever is the right course for your needs.

Have you got more questions?

Check my masterclass!


What They Say

Sebastian Rodas
Mauricio Muñoz
Celeste Yemaya BN
The strategy is here

Simple Steps to Success

  • 1. Plan

    I walk you through how to formulate a comprehensive action plan to maximize results.

  • 2. Time

    You will learn how to effectively manage your time to complete the course material.

  • 3. Implementation

    Upon completion of of the course you will implement your plan and realize your goals.


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